Previous editions

The Galician Aerospace Consortium, in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia Galicia through the Civil UAVs Initiative, held the sixth...

The Galician Aeronautical Consortium (CAG) held the 5th Edition of the International Aeronautical and Space Congress (CIAG) at the Airborne...

The Galician Aeronautical Consortium (CAG) held the IV Edition of the International Aeronautical and Space Congress (CIAG) in Vigo. The...

The III International Aeronautical and Aerospace Congress organised by the Galician Aeronautical Consortium was attended by more than 300 participating...

The second edition of the International Aeronautical and Aerospace Congress organised by the Galician Aeronautical Consortium was attended by more...

The Consortium brought together more than 200 professionals from the aeronautics and space industry at the first edition of the...